Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Chilly Reception

Scene 1:

A dark room with a single light bulb on a wire providing the only illumination. In the center of the room directly below the light Michel Rainville, naked and chained to a metal chair. He’s not happy.

Rainville (t): What the hell did that thing hit me with? That bugs poison really did a number on my head, but now I’m going to need my brain more than ever. Cops don’t poison suspects, cops would have brought me a lawyer, these guys aren’t cops.

Scene 2:

Rainville struggles to free his hands but they are bound too tightly.

Rainville (t): The only reason I’m alive is because these people need me. They want to know my secrets. Don’t co-operate and they may give up and put a bullet in my brain, Give too much, they may figure they know everything, and they still put a bullet in my brain. If I’m going to get out of here, I’m going to need to play it smart.

Scene 3: Fletcher enters the room.

Rainville (t): Showtime.

Scene 4: Fletcher shoots Rainville in the foot.

FX: Bang!

Rainville: Goddamn it!

Scene 5: Close-up of Fletcher.

Fletcher: Stow it, our people say that you’ve had your pain receptors surgically removed. I want to show you that that won’t stop us. Pain or no pain, we can still make you a cripple. And we will if you don’t tell us what we want to know.

Scene 6: Close up of Rainville

Rainville: If I give you everything I know some very important people will get pissed off. My life, your life, won’t be worth spit. I’d rather be a cripple than dead, besides I know people who can attach legs and arms. We don’t have to do this, I have something you want, you have something I want. We can deal.

Scene 7: Fletcher begins to stroll around the chair, Rainville is talking.

Rainville: I do a lot of business in Canada; heroin is only part of it. I believe you’ve become acquainted with some of the personal powered armour and, particle weapons that the Hells Angels have acquired. They are just one of my clients. Kill me and you will have no chance of finding the others. You have no idea what’s out there.

Fletcher: There’s no way we’re letting you go Rainville.

Rainville: I assumed as much. I just want guarantees that you won’t kill me, the only way I can do that is if I’m sure you need me.

Scene 8: Fletcher is behind Rainville is speaking to him over his shoulder.

Fletcher: How do I know it’s not all bullshit? Maybe you have nothing to do with the weapons, you would say anything to stay alive.

Rainville: That’s very true I would. That’s why I’m going to give up my associates. Have you ever heard of Bacha Kahn?

Fletcher: No.

Rainville: He’s a governor / Warlord in Afghanistan. He’s running the whole heroin operation. But he wouldn’t be able to do much without the Phase Launcher. He has it hidden in the old Al-Queda tunnels in the Tora Bora Mountains.

Scene 8: Fletcher walks around in front of Rainville again, a smirk on his face.

Fletcher: We’ll check this out.

Rainville: Whatever. Can I go to my cell now?

Fletcher: (1) Oh, I’m sorry, you’re much too dangerous to keep in a conventional cell, I’ve read files on you. (2) Don’t look that way; we’re not going to kill you. Let’s call it an experiment…

Rainville: Experiment?

Scene 9: Technicians roll in the Cryo-Chamber.

Fletcher: We’re going to try freezing you. Really it’s the only way to keep you around while looking out for the well being of our staff. They are very confident you will survive the process, although they have never done it on a human before. But we both know your more than human aren’t you?

Rainville: You can’t do this…

Fletcher: You know, you may be right. Let’s find out shall we?

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Scene 1:

Kane tunes invisible to the surprise of the Rainmen around him. Rainville in the foreground looks around panicked.

Rainville: Fuck this.

Scene 2:

Rainville fishes out his cell phone and hits a button. A small package underneath the Phase Catcher lights up and begins a countdown. It’s connected to similar packages underneath the chassis by a series of wires.

Rainville (radio): It’s set to blow get out.

Scene 3:

Fletcher holding a fallen soldiers radio to his ear. He sees Rainville running out of the barn.

FX (radio): “…get out”

Scene 5:

Fletcher takes a shot at Rainville. Rainville turns and deflects it with his baton, mid stride.

Scene 6:

Fletcher is running into the barn. As Rainville runs towards the Hummer Kane appears in mid pounce over head.

Scene 7:

Kane opens his jaw wid. A stinger comes shooting out piercing Rainville in the back of the neck. His eyes go all swirly and he falls down face first.

Scene 9:

Fletcher is looking over the timer. Shanahan enters the barn behind him.

Fletcher: He set this thing to blow! I think I’m familiar with this timer…

Shanahan: Kane took down Rainville, but his men….

Scene 10:

Shanahan gets shot in the face and goes down. Fletcher looks over his shoulder, shocked.

Fletcher: Pete!

Scene 11:

Six Rainmen are standing in formation opening up at their target.

Scene 12:

Fletcher’s force field is blocking the weapons fire. His shield ripples from the multiple impacts.

Scene 13:

Fletcher rips off the face plate of the timer. He pulls back his force field away from his fingers so he can work the wires. All the while taking fire from the Rainmen. His shield begins to ripple more, loosing its smooth shape.

Scene 14:

A shot gets through the field hitting Fletcher in the arm.


Fletcher pulls the blue wire.

Fletcher: Got you, you son of a bitch.

Scene 16:

Kane appears behind the soldiers releasing a loud hiss. The soldiers drop their guns.

Scene 18:

Shanahan rolls over to see a number of soldiers get into a hummer and make their way up the road. With a wave of the hand he puts a concrete barrier across the road. The Hummer hits it full speed, totaled.

Scene 19:

The Rainmen are stripped and tied up to the tracks. The XTF-3 are having an impromptu meeting off to the side.

Kane: We’re going to need to call Gaston and Madeline to get people up here and go over this thing.

Fletcher: We’ve got to find out what these people know. They’re using this thing to get the stuff in but where is it coming from?

Shanahan: Judging by the writing on the boxes and the sand in and around them, I’d say it’d from somewhere in the Middle East.

Fletcher: Afghanistan supplies the world with 87% of the world’s heroin. Not to mention the terrorism. This device is a huge threat to national security.

Kane: The design is quite simple. They could have a number of these receivers all over the country.

Shanahan: What I don’t get is whose farm is this? Is it owned by the mob? There’s a house on the property, I saw a woman and three kids in there.

Kane: Do you think she has a husband?

Scene 20:

A dude in overalls walks in through the front door. The XTF-3 look at him, smiling.

Marc: My friends! It looks like you had an accident out there! I’m ready to get the next shipment. Uh-Oh.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Special Deliveries

Scene 1:

A procession of Hummers makes it way up a gravel road deep in the woods.

Rainville(N): I love Canada. So much open space, damn impossible for the authorities to patrol. Out here, in the woods, its open season for crime. So when my sweet little operation gets threatened, you bet your ass I’ll protect it.

Scene 2:

The cars approach a small home in the woods. Behind it cattle meander in the fields. Three one story long buildings act as barns for the animals.

Rainville(N): The Tousards are a hard working family that got screwed over by politics. Without an American market for their beef they were weeks from bankruptcy, I gave them another option. Imagine my surprise when they didn’t care for the legality.

Scene 3: Rainville and his men disembark from their vehicles. They are all dressed in full body black ops combat gear, Rainville can be distinguished as his suit has chrome highlights.

Rainville(1): Set up a perimeter, secure the area.

Rainville(2): Davidson com check.

Davidson: check.

Rainville: check.

Rainville(N): Boucher says that someone may be muscling in on his operation. He couldn’t be sure if it was the Feds or another organization. Whoever it was, they where able to rip Chapman’s battle suit clean off his body. Xenos. I’ve killed Xenos before.

Scene 4:

Rainville approaches one of the barns. He grabs both handles of the double doors in preparation to open them

Rainville: The better part of last year was spent setting this operation up. Paying officials to look the other way, finding scientists without morals to build the damn thing, but with all the money we’ve made it’s been damn worth it.

Scene 5:

Rainville pulls open the doors to reveal the Phase Catcher. Very high tech looking. At the end closest to the front doors a large ring is attached to a railroad track that runs the length of the building. On the track in a flatbed car and at the end of the track is a concrete barrier with sandbags on the side facing the track to absorb the impact of the flatbed. The idea being that when something is re-phased through the ring it lands on the car with such force that it sends the flatbed careening down the track to impact against the sandbag barrier.

Scene 6:

Rainville’s men move into the building and begin to take position to get this thing operational.

Rainville: Set it up, lets go. 10 minutes to incoming.

Scene 7: The device lights up and receives a package. Rainville is silhouetted in the foreground. When it comes to rest the flatcar is full of boxes with marked with Arabic writing. Sand is spilling off the track on to the floor.

Rainville(1): The best Heroin in the world. Ever since the General had taken over, production had gone into overdrive. Big bucks to the man who could figure out how to move it.

Rainvile(2): Then the happiest day of my life when I came across the plans for this baby. I put everything on the line to steal it, got the best body money could buy. And now some Xeno was going to try and take it away from me.

Scene 8: Rainville speaks into his walkie-talkie.

Rainville(1): Davidson, tell Tousard to get his truck in here for another shipment.

Rainville(2): Davidson, check in. Goddamn it.

Scene 9: Over Rainville’s shoulder we see the back part of the left wall blow inward, some of the Rainmen from outside appear to be part of the debris. The Bug walks through the gaping hole. It appears to be smiling.

Rainville: That ain’t no Xeno like I’ve ever seen before. It’s a huge bug.

Scene 10: Rainville gets into a combat stance with his baton. The camera focuses closer on the image until its locked onto the determination in the eyes.

Rainville: It’s got eyes, it’s got a throat, and it’s got a crotch. That’s all I’ve ever needed.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Meetings All Day

Scene 1:
Outside of a biker bar, the sign over the door says “Dante’s”. A row of motorcycles are lined up along the front indicating that the place is packed.

FX: Ring! Ring!

Pepe: (from French) Hello? Yes, it is I Pepe.

Fletcher: Do as I say if you want to live.

Pepe: Pardon?

FX: click.

Scene 2:

Big fat Pepe is sitting in the back office with a floozy on his lap and the dead phone in his hand.

Floozy: Who was that baby?

Pepe: …

Scene 3:

Kane, in full bug form, bursts through the back wall of the bar. With one hand he slaps the floozy off of Pepe’s lap and with the other he throws the fat Frenchman over his shoulder. In the next moment he is back out the way he came.

Scene 4:

Fletcher and Shanahan are hiding in an alley across the street from the bar. Fletcher is carrying a cell phone. Bikers are coming out of the bar and running around. Eventually some get on their bikes and take off in both directions down the road.

Shanahan: I think that’s the signal.

Fletcher: After everyone clears out, you go in the front, I’ll take the back. I want to go though the place, especially Pepe’s office.

Shanahan: Got it.

Scene 5:

Kane is carrying Pepe below him as he flies up through the clouds. Pepe is screaming his lungs out. The bug appears to be smiling.

Scene 6:

Shanahan is standing over a few knocked out bikers massaging his knuckles. Fletcher is in the office working at the computer.

Fletcher: Damn it, I can’t get past this encryption. We are gonna have to bring this stuff to Madeline. Her people can crack it.

Shanahan: Is it time?

Fletcher: Oh, right.

Scene 7:

Fletcher pulls out his cell phone and makes a call. High above Montréal Kane is holding Pepe at arms length; with the other hand he’s carrying a ringing cell phone. He puts the phone to Pepe’s ear.

Fletcher: A few days ago, you received a call from Chip “The Chopper” Chapman. You told him about the heroin shipment and he told us. Chapman made a mistake and told Boucher what he did. He will pay for that. Now it’s your turn. Boucher has doubtlessly changed his plans. You will reveal them to me now. Your life depends on it.

Pepe: I’ll tell you everything! Don’t let me die like this! I know where the drugs are!

Fletcher: Excellent. Take my associate to them. Now.

Pepe: It’s like three hours away…

Fletcher: Do it or die.

FX: Click.

Pepe: …take highway 15 north…

Scene 8:

Back in the Montreal hotel room: The XTF-3 Madeline and Gerard are going over printouts and laptops.

Madeline: This intelligence from “Dante’s” is excellent. It’s going to take time for our forensic accountants to go through it…

Gerard: I’m more interested in Kane’s report, did you find the heroin?

Kane: Heroin is the least of our worries, gentlemen (and lady). Pepe took me to a lumber yard three hours north of Montreal. They have a number of buildings there where the cut trees into planks. No big deal right. But in building number six, it’s a different story. A different truck pulls up, but planks still come out. I had a closer look and…

Madeline: They are disguising the heroin to look like wood, and shipping it to the states to hide it. Boucher must have really been scared when he learned we were on to him.

Kane: Exactly.

Gerard: If the Americans find out how much H is crossing the boarder, they’ll shut the whole thing down.

Kane: Costing us 100’s of millions of dollars a day, as the politicians drag their heels to figure it out.

Shanahan: I ran the plates on the truck. It belongs to a farmer who lives close to the mill. We should go check it out right away.

Gerard: This farm isn’t close to any water ways. They must be flying it in. But we would have detected that much air traffic…

Fletcher: Let’s go find out what this farmer’s been growing.

Gerard: By the way Kane. What did you do with Pepe?

Kane: I let him go.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Beginners Luck

Scene 1:

Underground brick sewer system- y’know the kind that don’t really exist. The Chopper is bound to a ripped out RV seat by metal ribbons. 8ball is next to him bound the same way. Sounds are coming out of the darkness around them. They are both terrified.

FX: Scraping, Splashing, Laughing.

Scene 2:

Fletcher and Kane are hanging out. Kane has only partially activated the suit changing his right hand into a huge claw which he’s scraping against the wall. Fletcher kicks up some water.

Kane: So have you every interrogated someone before?

Fletcher: Never on my own. I’m trained in a number of psychological techniques.

Kane: O.K. lets give this a shot then.

Scene 3:

Fully changed Kane comes barreling down the sewer, grabs 8ball, and continues with him into the darkness behind The Chopper, laughing. Fletcher walks out the darkness all cool.

Fletcher: Unless you want to get eaten like your friend over there, I suggest you tell me who’s supplying the Angels with the heroin. We know its coming in from abroad.

Chapman: What are you cops? Where’s my lawyer!?!

Fletcher: Do I look like a cop to you?

Chapman: You want a piece of the action? We can talk! I have money! We can work together!

FX: Screams from the darkness.

Fletcher: He likes to eat his prey live, he says its better for the digestion.

Chapman: I don’t know who the supplier is! Only Mom deals with that guy?

Fletcher: By “Mom” you mean your boss Maurice Boucher, the Angels number one guy?

Chapman: Yeah, Boucher! I can make a call, I know a guy who knows when the next shipment is getting in…

Fletcher: …and Mom deals with the incoming shipments personally, right? You can use my cell.

Scene 4:

Gaston, Madeline and the rest of the XTF-3 are meeting in a Montreal hotel room.

Kane: …so they are getting the next shipment on Wednesday.

Fletcher: All we have to do is keep tabs on Boucher, like every other intelligence group in North America, and hit this mystery supplier when he (or she) brings the goods!

Madeline: Excellent work. What did you do with the bikers?

Fletcher: Some of the bikers got away, but we delivered Chopper and another one to the local authorities.

Gaston: You did what?!?

Shanahan: I would like to say that I was in the hospital during all of this…

Gaston: Now that Chopper has been processed through the system, what’s stopping him from informing Bouchard about what’s happened?

Fletcher: Uhhh…

Kane: I thought you said you did this before Jack!

Fletcher: Hey look I got the info we needed!

Madeline: Beginners Luck. That information is now compromised. Now we're back where we started.

Gaston: Maybe not. I have a plan.

Biker Breakdown

Scene 1:

Through the front windows of an RV we see 8Ball, the driver, having a conversation with Switch. They are both obviously Hells Angels bikers.

8Ball: What a dump? Now that I’ve been to “Winterpeg” I know never to come back!

Switch: Why would anybody decide to live in the middle of nowhere?

8Ball: I hear ya. How much longer do you think the Main Man will have us driving around. The cops ain’t stupid, the longer we go…

Switch: We keep driving until Chapman says we don’t! Don’t start wigging on me 8ball. My old man used to hit me with a bat wrapped in barbed wire, those kids back there will survive.

8Ball: Hey, my mom used to hide crack in my diaper, I get it, but those kids ain’t like us. They judges kids….

Switch: And my old man was a felon, shit happens brotha, that’s why I joined the Angels…

Switch and 8ball: “So we can cause the shit”. (laughter)

FX: Thump!

8Ball: Something definitely hit the roof.

Switch pulls his gun. A weird silver sci-fi piece.

Switch: Time to cause some shit.

Scene 2:

The roof of the RV is pulled back from the front by unseen hands. The interior of the vehicle is revealed. A man wearing powered armour is standing over a number of kids. His armour is white with blue streaks with a matching axe 2 meters long. His eyes move to where the roof was but see’s nothing.

Scene 3:

Pete’s fist comes through the wall next to the RV cabin door. He takes a moment to fiddle with the door from the inside and swings it open on the moving vehicle. With no other targets around The Chopper takes a swing at Shanahan.

Scene 4:

With a nasty gash across his chest Pete goes skidding along the road after getting knocked off the RV. Fletcher passes him on a motorcycle, a Hells Angel biker can be seen lying on the road in the background.

Fletcher (T): Shanahan is down. He’s going to have to wait until after those kids are safe.

Scene 5:

The beast appears. Standing on what is left of the roof of the RV Kane becomes visible. His visage is bug like with four extra arms; alien and menacing at the same time. He jumps in swinging with massive claws, The Chopper manages to block. Their eyes lock.

Scene 6:

Fletcher is weaving in and out of laser fire. The other three bikers are taking shots at him with strange silver sci-fi pistols. A shot pierces his force field burning a small hole into his flesh.

Fletcher (T): These guys are starting to piss me off.

Scene 7:

Fletcher turns his bike around and starts in on the other bikers, head on. In the background the Choppers axe is thrown out of the roof of the RV.

Scene 8:

Chopper’s battle suit is heavily damaged. Blood streaks are marring the white surface.

Chopper: Who are you guys?!?

Scene 9:

Kane rips the breast plate off of The Chopper and throws it out the roof. 8ball and Switch are terrified.

Kane: You and I are going to have a chat. Heh heh.

Scene 10:

Shanahan is surrounded by a bunch of sad kids in school uniform. A few of them are bandaged, blood can be seen through the gauss. Pete chest is covered in his own blood. The police arrive and secure the crime scene.

Police Officer: O.k., Mr. Shanahan lets have it again.

Shanahan: It’s like I said officer. I was walking down the street and saw that the RV was carrying those kids that were shown on the news. I did everything I could to help but the bikers got away. When is this ambulance getting here, I think I need to get this looked at.

Police Officer: Sit tight sir, they will be here soon. You’re a damn hero if you don’t mind me saying.

Shanahan: Thanks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


If they didn’t show up soon another kid was going to be hurt. I told them to meet me downtown on the roof of the Bachman Plaza. It seemed like the superheroish thing to do, but this was all new to me. Nobody knew better than I that the road of learning was full of potholes. Although I knew mistakes would be made, never did I imagine that the first would be four young kids. This had to go off without a hitch; mistakes now will translate directly into human lives. No mistakes. I was starting to get cold.

Things started out great. Four days after the meeting the birthed the XTF-3 I got a call from Madeline. They had found the guy they were looking for. Chip Chapman was a Hell’s Angel enforcer who carried around an axe. The called him “The Chopper”.

It was the Chopper that threatened the Desmond family. He terrified the man so much he jumped out a window. They also believe Chapman murdered Cynthia Miles and Greg Reefman. Current intel put the biker in Winnipeg. I offered to fly us out there.

I guess I was eager to contribute. To be honest I’m not sure where my skills as a scientist can be used to stop a motorcycle gang, but I’m willing to give it a shot. Criminology is a science right? So I charted a plane and flew them out there myself, I listened to the briefing over the intercom.

Everyone was on board except Madeline who stayed at CSIS continuing the investigation. Gaston passed out a number of files covering the informants we would be pressing for information. Did he mean like interrogating? I wouldn’t even know where to start. Did they know that I set a bunch of lawyers to investigate Desmond’s suicide? My contribution was to read the weekly reports and to sign off on the cheques.

Yet there was something I could feel. We communicated mostly through emotion. When the idea of the XTF-3 was first presented, it became excited. And what was good for it, was usually good for me too. I owed the symbiote my life. Without it, the greatest mind in North America would have been frozen and drifting hundreds of thousands of kilometers from earth. Some may say that the planet owed it a great debt. So it was the least I could do.

Just before we landed Gaston got a call. It looks like Chip “The Chopper” Chapman is trying to make a statement. He has kidnapped four kids, Judge’s children. He was going to start hacking off pieces and leaving them around town unless the Judges turned themselves over for “biker justice”. We had less then four hours before he started.

Gaston took off to coordinate with local police. He told us that our orders were to capture Chapman before the police do. The biker has information that we need to complete our mission and it may be impossible to get if the police get to him first and he lawyers up. The Colonel would relay to us any leads the cops had and try to keep them off our backs at the same time.

That’s when we split up to hit up the leads. I got nothing. Na-da. Zip. Four hours past and all the news channels where showing a finger wrapped in today’s newspaper. It looked like it belonged to a child. Thirty minutes later Fletcher gave us a call on three-way to let us know what was going down. Fletcher must be a bit better at “interrogation” then I was. I got them to meet here at the Bachman Building.

Before I knew it Shanahan was standing behind me.

Maxwell Kane

“How the hell did you get there?! I didn’t see anyone approach the building.”

Pete Shanahan

“I ran. Fletcher’s coming/”

Jack Fletcher

“Did we have to meet on top of the building?”(panting)

Pete Shanahan

“I see it.”

Down the road a motor home flanked by six bikers is driving toward the PCs.

Jack Fletcher

“He’s got the kids in the motor home. He’s staying mobile so he’s hard to find.”

Maxwell Kane

“I can just fly down there and pick up the whole thing, fly it wherever.” They didn’t seem too surprised by that. Either they already know what I can do, which is no good because I know nothing about them, or they are so powerful that doesn’t impress them.

Pete Shanahan

“They’ll kill the kids.”

Maxwell Kane

“Oh, right”

Jack Fletcher

“We have to get in there quick before they know what’s happening. Kane, can you rip off the door?”

Maxwell Kane

“No problem.”

Pete Shanahan

“Guys we better decide quick, it’s almost here!”

Monday, April 25, 2005


Pete Shanahan had grown used to dealing with the strange and unnatural, those skills were serving him today. He had received government summons to come to this place; a high end dwelling in Toronto’s west side. They said they could help him with his investigation into Greg Reefman’s murder. Strange. For the last 25 minutes he and two others had been waiting for the last of the group to join them, no had had said a word. Unnatural.

The others were obviously with the government. The most striking of the three was a dark haired beauty in a smart but tight business suit. Her eyes were anything but business, more like those of a hawk appraising her surroundings. CSIS if he had to guess. There was no need to guess about the other two in uniform; military, special forces. The older one with the short white hair was a Lieutenant Colonel, the younger crew cut blonde, a junior grade lieutenant.

Then came my biggest surprise of the day, a national hero entered the room.

Maxwell Kane

“Sorry to keep you waiting but when the Chilean Ministry of Science needs answers on Gamatopoic Radiation, you’ve gotta take that call. So, how may I help you gentlemen?”

Gaston Gerrard

“Hopefully we can help each other. My name is Lt. Col. Gaston Gerrard and this is Lt. Jack Fletcher, we are from the Ministry of Defense, and this is Madeline Cruz from the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Are friend over hear is Pete Shanahan a private investigator. I’ll let Madeline take it from here.”

Madeline Cruz
“Thanks Gaston. Although we come from very different backgrounds we are all drawn together by a common thread: The Hell’s Angels. It has come to our attention that you two have been investigating them as well. We propose a sharing of information. Hopefully this will provide a breakthrough in the case.

Pete Shanahan

Cruz was very good. The way she carried herself, the way she spoke, she had the whole situation in control. Nothing was more dangerous then a sexy dame with brains. But there was more to this story. Madeline was the kind of woman who carefully chose what to say and when to say it. Unfortunately, I needed to work on my patience.

“You could have called us or met us individually to get this information. Why did you get us together?”

The look on her face gave me a small sense of satisfaction, I hope no one could see it.

Gaston Gerrard

“Too true, I had hoped to spend some time getting to know you two before hand…”

Maxwell Kane

“I already have enough friends Colonel, perhaps you should tell us everything.”

Gaston Gerrard

“Very direct, I like that. Let’s put our cards on the table. Anyone who’s watched the news lately knows the Hell’s Angels have been spreading across this country like a disease. It started with the Heroin Wars. We have learned that the Angels have procured a seemingly unending supply of Heroin. We are positive that they are not getting these shipments across monitored boarders or by plane or boat. Just the sheer amount they are moving precludes that.”

“They money they have been pulling down is far beyond anything we’ve seen in organized crime in this country, and that is leading to new problems. This money has bought them into corporate culture. They are laundering their drug money through legitimate business and projects. They had lent money out to Dr. Desmond and to Greg Reefman, when they couldn’t repay they became their latest victims.”

“Late last year Canada’s premier special forces unit, the JTF-2 under my command, was sent to apprehend a truckload of horse. I was running tactical for the unit. I can still hear their screams. Some how, we believe through superior weapon technology but we can’t be sure, the motorcycle gang wiped out the nations most highly trained soldiers.”

Pete Shanahan

The Colonel stopped here for effect. I knew what was coming and I wasn’t sure I liked it. These people knew a lot more about me then I imagined. Have they been watching me? For how long? Exactly what did they know? I was about to unleash a flurry of questions before Madeline cut back in. She was back in control.

Madeline Cruz

“The fact of the matter is that new technologies and the inclusion of Xenos on the international theatre have vastly changed the landscape. Conventional forces have little effect on an unconventional world. What this country needs is a new special forces unit for today. That’s where project XTF-3 comes into play.”

“The XTF-3 project will see Xeno’s and new technology working together as a cohesive unit as a force of national security. Xeno’s like our friend here Lt. Jack Fletcher and xeno’s like Dr. Maxwell Kane and Pete Shanahan.”

Pete Shanahan

Dr. Kane looked like someone stuck an ice cube up his butt. He was not comfortable with this at all. They must have been monitoring him for weeks. Cruz was careful to always put “Xeno” and “new technologies” together. Maybe they don’t…

Gaston Gerrard

“We would like to do this on a trial basis, at least until we put the people who were responsible for these crimes behind bars. At that point we will assess our effectiveness and if your willing we can discuss future options.”

Jack Fletcher

“They took away someone who was very close to me, someone who gave me a chance when no one else would. I’m going to make sure her killer pays.

Pete Shanahan

Wow, that was powerful. I wonder if Madeline told him to say it. Well its going to take more than a…

Maxwell Kane

“You can count me in. The Angels took a loving father away from two young girls. Also, I always love starting up new projects. This can be something else I’ll be an expert on!”

Pete Shanahan

Great now everyone is looking at me. Greg Reefman was a colleague but he was always getting into trouble. If it wasn’t the Hell’s Angels it would be someone else. The guy loved to play fast and loose with his life. Oh well, maybe it pays well.

“I’m in.”