Thursday, August 18, 2005

A Chilly Reception

Scene 1:

A dark room with a single light bulb on a wire providing the only illumination. In the center of the room directly below the light Michel Rainville, naked and chained to a metal chair. He’s not happy.

Rainville (t): What the hell did that thing hit me with? That bugs poison really did a number on my head, but now I’m going to need my brain more than ever. Cops don’t poison suspects, cops would have brought me a lawyer, these guys aren’t cops.

Scene 2:

Rainville struggles to free his hands but they are bound too tightly.

Rainville (t): The only reason I’m alive is because these people need me. They want to know my secrets. Don’t co-operate and they may give up and put a bullet in my brain, Give too much, they may figure they know everything, and they still put a bullet in my brain. If I’m going to get out of here, I’m going to need to play it smart.

Scene 3: Fletcher enters the room.

Rainville (t): Showtime.

Scene 4: Fletcher shoots Rainville in the foot.

FX: Bang!

Rainville: Goddamn it!

Scene 5: Close-up of Fletcher.

Fletcher: Stow it, our people say that you’ve had your pain receptors surgically removed. I want to show you that that won’t stop us. Pain or no pain, we can still make you a cripple. And we will if you don’t tell us what we want to know.

Scene 6: Close up of Rainville

Rainville: If I give you everything I know some very important people will get pissed off. My life, your life, won’t be worth spit. I’d rather be a cripple than dead, besides I know people who can attach legs and arms. We don’t have to do this, I have something you want, you have something I want. We can deal.

Scene 7: Fletcher begins to stroll around the chair, Rainville is talking.

Rainville: I do a lot of business in Canada; heroin is only part of it. I believe you’ve become acquainted with some of the personal powered armour and, particle weapons that the Hells Angels have acquired. They are just one of my clients. Kill me and you will have no chance of finding the others. You have no idea what’s out there.

Fletcher: There’s no way we’re letting you go Rainville.

Rainville: I assumed as much. I just want guarantees that you won’t kill me, the only way I can do that is if I’m sure you need me.

Scene 8: Fletcher is behind Rainville is speaking to him over his shoulder.

Fletcher: How do I know it’s not all bullshit? Maybe you have nothing to do with the weapons, you would say anything to stay alive.

Rainville: That’s very true I would. That’s why I’m going to give up my associates. Have you ever heard of Bacha Kahn?

Fletcher: No.

Rainville: He’s a governor / Warlord in Afghanistan. He’s running the whole heroin operation. But he wouldn’t be able to do much without the Phase Launcher. He has it hidden in the old Al-Queda tunnels in the Tora Bora Mountains.

Scene 8: Fletcher walks around in front of Rainville again, a smirk on his face.

Fletcher: We’ll check this out.

Rainville: Whatever. Can I go to my cell now?

Fletcher: (1) Oh, I’m sorry, you’re much too dangerous to keep in a conventional cell, I’ve read files on you. (2) Don’t look that way; we’re not going to kill you. Let’s call it an experiment…

Rainville: Experiment?

Scene 9: Technicians roll in the Cryo-Chamber.

Fletcher: We’re going to try freezing you. Really it’s the only way to keep you around while looking out for the well being of our staff. They are very confident you will survive the process, although they have never done it on a human before. But we both know your more than human aren’t you?

Rainville: You can’t do this…

Fletcher: You know, you may be right. Let’s find out shall we?

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Scene 1:

Kane tunes invisible to the surprise of the Rainmen around him. Rainville in the foreground looks around panicked.

Rainville: Fuck this.

Scene 2:

Rainville fishes out his cell phone and hits a button. A small package underneath the Phase Catcher lights up and begins a countdown. It’s connected to similar packages underneath the chassis by a series of wires.

Rainville (radio): It’s set to blow get out.

Scene 3:

Fletcher holding a fallen soldiers radio to his ear. He sees Rainville running out of the barn.

FX (radio): “…get out”

Scene 5:

Fletcher takes a shot at Rainville. Rainville turns and deflects it with his baton, mid stride.

Scene 6:

Fletcher is running into the barn. As Rainville runs towards the Hummer Kane appears in mid pounce over head.

Scene 7:

Kane opens his jaw wid. A stinger comes shooting out piercing Rainville in the back of the neck. His eyes go all swirly and he falls down face first.

Scene 9:

Fletcher is looking over the timer. Shanahan enters the barn behind him.

Fletcher: He set this thing to blow! I think I’m familiar with this timer…

Shanahan: Kane took down Rainville, but his men….

Scene 10:

Shanahan gets shot in the face and goes down. Fletcher looks over his shoulder, shocked.

Fletcher: Pete!

Scene 11:

Six Rainmen are standing in formation opening up at their target.

Scene 12:

Fletcher’s force field is blocking the weapons fire. His shield ripples from the multiple impacts.

Scene 13:

Fletcher rips off the face plate of the timer. He pulls back his force field away from his fingers so he can work the wires. All the while taking fire from the Rainmen. His shield begins to ripple more, loosing its smooth shape.

Scene 14:

A shot gets through the field hitting Fletcher in the arm.


Fletcher pulls the blue wire.

Fletcher: Got you, you son of a bitch.

Scene 16:

Kane appears behind the soldiers releasing a loud hiss. The soldiers drop their guns.

Scene 18:

Shanahan rolls over to see a number of soldiers get into a hummer and make their way up the road. With a wave of the hand he puts a concrete barrier across the road. The Hummer hits it full speed, totaled.

Scene 19:

The Rainmen are stripped and tied up to the tracks. The XTF-3 are having an impromptu meeting off to the side.

Kane: We’re going to need to call Gaston and Madeline to get people up here and go over this thing.

Fletcher: We’ve got to find out what these people know. They’re using this thing to get the stuff in but where is it coming from?

Shanahan: Judging by the writing on the boxes and the sand in and around them, I’d say it’d from somewhere in the Middle East.

Fletcher: Afghanistan supplies the world with 87% of the world’s heroin. Not to mention the terrorism. This device is a huge threat to national security.

Kane: The design is quite simple. They could have a number of these receivers all over the country.

Shanahan: What I don’t get is whose farm is this? Is it owned by the mob? There’s a house on the property, I saw a woman and three kids in there.

Kane: Do you think she has a husband?

Scene 20:

A dude in overalls walks in through the front door. The XTF-3 look at him, smiling.

Marc: My friends! It looks like you had an accident out there! I’m ready to get the next shipment. Uh-Oh.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Special Deliveries

Scene 1:

A procession of Hummers makes it way up a gravel road deep in the woods.

Rainville(N): I love Canada. So much open space, damn impossible for the authorities to patrol. Out here, in the woods, its open season for crime. So when my sweet little operation gets threatened, you bet your ass I’ll protect it.

Scene 2:

The cars approach a small home in the woods. Behind it cattle meander in the fields. Three one story long buildings act as barns for the animals.

Rainville(N): The Tousards are a hard working family that got screwed over by politics. Without an American market for their beef they were weeks from bankruptcy, I gave them another option. Imagine my surprise when they didn’t care for the legality.

Scene 3: Rainville and his men disembark from their vehicles. They are all dressed in full body black ops combat gear, Rainville can be distinguished as his suit has chrome highlights.

Rainville(1): Set up a perimeter, secure the area.

Rainville(2): Davidson com check.

Davidson: check.

Rainville: check.

Rainville(N): Boucher says that someone may be muscling in on his operation. He couldn’t be sure if it was the Feds or another organization. Whoever it was, they where able to rip Chapman’s battle suit clean off his body. Xenos. I’ve killed Xenos before.

Scene 4:

Rainville approaches one of the barns. He grabs both handles of the double doors in preparation to open them

Rainville: The better part of last year was spent setting this operation up. Paying officials to look the other way, finding scientists without morals to build the damn thing, but with all the money we’ve made it’s been damn worth it.

Scene 5:

Rainville pulls open the doors to reveal the Phase Catcher. Very high tech looking. At the end closest to the front doors a large ring is attached to a railroad track that runs the length of the building. On the track in a flatbed car and at the end of the track is a concrete barrier with sandbags on the side facing the track to absorb the impact of the flatbed. The idea being that when something is re-phased through the ring it lands on the car with such force that it sends the flatbed careening down the track to impact against the sandbag barrier.

Scene 6:

Rainville’s men move into the building and begin to take position to get this thing operational.

Rainville: Set it up, lets go. 10 minutes to incoming.

Scene 7: The device lights up and receives a package. Rainville is silhouetted in the foreground. When it comes to rest the flatcar is full of boxes with marked with Arabic writing. Sand is spilling off the track on to the floor.

Rainville(1): The best Heroin in the world. Ever since the General had taken over, production had gone into overdrive. Big bucks to the man who could figure out how to move it.

Rainvile(2): Then the happiest day of my life when I came across the plans for this baby. I put everything on the line to steal it, got the best body money could buy. And now some Xeno was going to try and take it away from me.

Scene 8: Rainville speaks into his walkie-talkie.

Rainville(1): Davidson, tell Tousard to get his truck in here for another shipment.

Rainville(2): Davidson, check in. Goddamn it.

Scene 9: Over Rainville’s shoulder we see the back part of the left wall blow inward, some of the Rainmen from outside appear to be part of the debris. The Bug walks through the gaping hole. It appears to be smiling.

Rainville: That ain’t no Xeno like I’ve ever seen before. It’s a huge bug.

Scene 10: Rainville gets into a combat stance with his baton. The camera focuses closer on the image until its locked onto the determination in the eyes.

Rainville: It’s got eyes, it’s got a throat, and it’s got a crotch. That’s all I’ve ever needed.