Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Who are the XTF-3

The idea for the XTF-3 came after the rather startling discovery that Canada had a kick ass special forces team called the JTF-2. A group of people that travel all over the world to break things and kill people? How un-Candadian. Wait a minute, their predecessor the Canadian Airborne Regiment was disbanded for some nastiness they committed in Somalia. Now its a little more Canadian...

They even had one character, Micheal Rainville, who was a particularly bad apple. He killed one guy in Somalia in a "weapons demonstration", was at least abetting other JFT-2 members as they committed bank robbers, and once bragged to the press that he could kill a man in three seconds. Oh yeah, during an unannounced training exercise he overpowered the guards, tied and beat them, and one guy was sodimized with a baton and then a shotgun. I'm thinking of making this guy the main foil for the team. He has the double bonus of being well trained and bat-shit crazy.

The XTF-3 will be the private sector of the JTF-2. This will be the group of private citizens best equipped to deal with the treats of todays world. Frustration from government bureaucracy will drive someone ( I’m not sure who would be appropriate) to siphon government money to fund his own special forces group. The XTF-3. As a background plot point. I think PCs may be motivated to do well in order to make to make the government see their worth and maybe permanent jobs.

Another challenge is that I think it would be cool if PCs handled the finances to some extent. Renting Hercules Air transport, Paying customs to look the other way, Expensive equipment, that kind of thing.

I’m still wondering if the team should have a public persona and be XTF-3 privately, the whole team has a secret identity.


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